Groups Discussion
No Condemnation
February 20th, 2022
John 8:1-11 ICE BREAKER The woman caught in the act of adultery was brought by the Pharisees to Jesus. What do you think she felt being thrown into the…
The Dividing Nature of Jesus
February 13th, 2022
John 7:1-13 ICE BREAKER Think of a time when you were really thirsty and you had nothing to drink. Try to recall the intense desire you had at the…
The Mystery of Sovereignty
February 6th, 2022
John 6:51-71 ICE BREAKER If you were to describe your relationship with Christ to someone what would you say? Share your thoughts with the group. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS This…
Satisfying Bread and Sovereign Grace
January 30th, 2022
John 6:22-51 ICE BREAKER Think about a time you had a massive appetite. Share with the group where you were and what lengths you went to in order…
The Joy of Brokenness
January 23rd, 2022
Luke 18:9-14 ICE BREAKER Think of a time that you were wrong and you knew it. What was that experience like for you? Did you try to hide from…
The Power of the Moment
January 16th, 2022
John 6:1-21 ICE BREAKER An age old question is: are you a glass half empty person or a glass half full person? What would the people around you say…
The Hour is Coming
January 9th, 2022
John 5:16- 29 ICE BREAKER We spend a lot of our life trying to figure out what is real and true. We try to discern what is true…
Do You Want To Be Healed?
January 2nd, 2022
John 4:46-5:17 ICE BREAKER Ever had the experience of wanting a relationship with someone who did not reciprocate? This pain can intensify when the other person shows a…
The Woman at the Well
December 26th, 2021
John 4:1-26 ICE BREAKER Have you ever tried to hide a flaw or a part of your story that is woven with shame? Think about dating? What are…