This is our mission. It begins inside as we grow in the values expressed below. Our mission moves outside as we bring the hope of Jesus to our community and the world.
About Us
Our Values
Passion for God. Gratitude, the prevailing attitude of a Jesus-follower. Gratitude for God’s redemptive work through Jesus fuels passionate worship for God every day of the week. Sunday is unique – it is when we humbly lay down our agendas and open our hearts to meet with God and His people. We meet corporately to pray, worship and learn from the Bible. This practice helps us align our story with God’s story. Meeting Sunday prepares us to worship God every day, in every aspect of our lives.
Growing in truth. We must change. No coasting. The Words of God are powerful and true. We actively renew our minds to know His story intimately. The Bible offers clarity to interpret the world and our experiences of life as God intends. Our life-long journey emerges from the grip of brokenness through the transforming power of God. We are empowered to grow and change – to live out the new heart through the Word of God, the people of God and the Spirit of God.
Real means authentic. No masks. Honest talk about who we are and our need for redemption to encourage each other. Though made for relationships, we abandon God, hurt each other, hide in shame. Sin. Jesus is our only hope. In Him we are new. His way is openness, healing, transformation and service as His followers connect deeply with Him and each other. Change occurs within community by the Spirit as we speak the truth in love, honor one another and extend care. Transformation leads to service – the outward focus.
Others first. Every disciple is wired by God’s Spirit to play a part in His redemptive work in others. No job is too small. No person insignificant. Everyone is to be equipped to serve others. Passion, talent, style and opportunity converge with sensitivity to the Spirit’s direction to serve others fruitfully in the church and then in the community and in the world.
All we have is from God. We are stewards, not owners. Time, talent and treasure given under His direction aid in the renewal of all things. We give because we ‘get to’ – grateful, wise, consistent. We get to be part of the larger story of redemption. We start with our commitment to the local church and extend out to reach a desperate world.
We believe that Jesus alone is the hope of the world. He gave the mission to His followers to take this good news of grace and hope to the world. Through prayer, loving actions and our words we help people to be reconnected to their heavenly father. Our mission begins locally in our community and extends to the far corners of the globe.
Lighting the Fuse for the Next Generation
As Christians, we are a rescued people. Through the cross we have been rescued from death into life to the full. Because of this we want to be a community transformed, made up of disciples seeking to live Christ-like lives of love and gratitude for God and others. At Magnify Church we have six values to help understand our discipleship and how to respond to the beauty of the gospel in every stage of life.
Statement Of Beliefs
This is a statement of what we at Magnify Church believe. The Statement of Beliefs includes our Confessions of Faith, followed by statements on specific beliefs, an explanation of the authority for our beliefs, and an explanation of how we apply the Statement of Beliefs.
Our History
It started on hay bales over 50 years ago
Magnify Church began with families in mind. In the middle of hurting families, Blythefield Hills Baptist Church was planted by Northland Baptist to bring the hope of Jesus to the Rockford Community. Now in three locations that mission continues.
In 2020 we became known as Magnify Church — a new name to Magnify His. At Magnify you will find:
- Practical Bible teaching
- Honest, life-giving relationships
- Real help for parents and marriages
- An emphasis on children and students
- Passionate worship
- Deep concern for our community
Our Team
Meet some of our team members! Here are some of the smiley faces you will see at our campuses. We are here to serve you!