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When we pray it places everything we do before the infinite wisdom and strength of our Heavenly Father.

This means that we pray for every person, event and aspect of our church. Tap a button below to be involved in the prayer movement of Magnify or to make a request and leverage hundreds praying on your behalf.

Prayer Opportunities

Several prayer opportunities are available

Sunday Morning Prayer:

Pray on Sunday mornings, as often as you are available, for our worship services, leaders, and ministries of Magnify.

  • Rockford, Northview, and Ensley locations meet from 7:45-8:30am via Zoom. Contact Diana Fisher to receive the Prayer Guide and Zoom link.
  • Ensley meets in person at 10:25am September to May in Brett’s Office, Ensley Campus. Contact Hallie Cook with questions and to confirm start and end dates.

Prayer for the Persecuted Church:

Pray once a month during Prayer for Magnify from 7:45-8:30am via Zoom. Contact Andy Eastham or Diana Fisher for the Prayer Guides.

Ladies’ Missionary Prayer Group:

Meets every Sunday at 9am except for a few weeks in the summer in Room 304, Rockford Campus. Contact Dot Wiarda with questions and to confirm start and end dates.

Ensley Campus Monthly Prayer Group:

Meets the first Monday night of every month at 7pm. Join us as we pray for our campus, church leaders, and community. Contact Hallie Cook with questions and to confirm start and end dates.

Prayer for the Nation:

Meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays September to May from 9-10am via Zoom. Contact Chris Courter with questions, to receive the Zoom link, and to confirm start and end dates.

Grandmothers in Prayer:

Meets Mondays at 9am September to May in the Landing, Rockford Campus. Contact Diane Johansen with questions and to confirm start and end dates.

Moms in Prayer (for college and adult children):

Meets Fridays at 8:30am September to May in Room 310, Rockford Campus. Contact Julie Vermeer with questions and to confirm start and end dates.

Receive Healing Prayer:

Prayer for healing and anointing with oil by our Pastors and Deacons on Communion Sundays, following the morning services at Rockford and Northview.

Receive Personal Prayer:

Where two or more are gathered, bring your requests that we may pray with you following each of the morning services at Rockford and Northview. This is led by a volunteer group of Up Front Pray-ers.

Pray Up Front:

Volunteer to pray with people who come forward after services at Rockford and Northview.  This is a rotating roster of volunteers. Contact Diana Fisher with questions or to volunteer.

Prayer Resources

Below are a few tools to assist you in your prayer life. For a full list of prayer resources, click here.


The BLESSing Prayer

Fasting & Prayer

Lament Prayer

Warfare Prayer

Scriptural Prayers for our Leaders

Scriptural Prayers for Peace over Anxiety

Websites & Apps

Praying God’s Word Audio

Pray the Word App

Harvest Prayer Ministries


Prayer, by Timothy Keller

Prayer, by Richard J. Foster

Why Pray?, by John DeVries