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Groups Discussion

The Mystery of Sovereignty


  John 6:51-71 ICE BREAKER If you were to describe your relationship with Christ to someone what would you say? Share your thoughts with the group.    DISCUSSION QUESTIONS This…

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Do You Want To Be Healed?


  John 4:46-5:17   ICE BREAKER Ever had the experience of wanting a relationship with someone who did not reciprocate?  This pain can intensify when the other person shows a…

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  John 3:1-21 ICE BREAKER Some of us have stories with church or religion that have some negative connotations with the words: “born again”. What stirs in you when you…

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The Temple


  John 2:13-25 ICE BREAKER What are you passionate about?    Share one of your passions with the group.   Share what it is about your passion that captures your…

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