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Baby Dedication – Ensley
March 15 at 10:00 am - 11:00 am

We want to both CELEBRATE and HELP parents on their journey. We believe that you are the greatest influence in your child’s life and in the best position to help them know God. We also believe that as your church we can uniquely equip you and partner with you along the way.
Who: Ensley families with children they would like to dedicate and anyone who wants to help them celebrate!
When: Saturday, March 15, 10:00-11:00am, with a brief Sunday morning recognition on March 16 at the 9am service
Where: Ensley Commons
Cost: None
Contact: Tiffany Steinmann
There are 4 parts to participating in the Baby Dedication Celebration.
- Prepare: Before signing up, please listen to the podcast below and complete the homework assignments to help you prepare for the Baby Dedication Celebration. Both things will help you to intentionally parent with the end in mind and put a priority on your own personal growth.
- Registration
- The Celebration: Saturday at the Ensley location in the Commons. It’s you and your closest family and friends at one table. You will have an individual cake to enjoy, sharing in a time of prayer & dedication for your baby. To protect this intimate environment for everyone involved, we recommend a limit of 8 people at your table, but exceptions can be made for up to 10-12, if necessary. Each family will also have a photo taken by a professional photographer. Please bring the Homework from the podcast to the event.
- Sunday Morning Recognition and Prayer: Please join us Sunday morning, March 16, for our 9am service for a time of recognition and prayer. During the host portion of the morning all participating families will come up on the stage for a time of prayer and recognition. You don’t need to prepare anything. You will simply share your names and then the host will pray.
Common Questions
- What should we wear?
Saturday is a casual event so wear something comfortable, and something that you would like to be photographed in. - Where do we go?
Park on the west side of the building near the overhang. We will gather in the Commons. - How many people can we invite?
Each table can comfortably seat 8 adults. To protect the intimate environment for everyone involved, we recommend a limit of 8 people at your table, but exceptions can be made for up to 10-12, if necessary (you don’t need to include your baby in the total). - Can young children attend?
Of course, please let us know your other children’s ages so we can provide an activity for them. - What do I do if my baby cries?
We love this question! We expect there will be some crying! Every parent in the room completely understands and is sitting with a baby too. This event is designed to include your wiggly baby, so don’t worry. - How long does it last?
Structured time will last a little more than 30 minutes leaving time to enjoy cake and your table guests. - Do I really have to do the homework?
Yes, but don’t be intimidated. The podcast is brief and helpful. The written portion will prepare you for the celebration event. You will be sharing what you write in response to the podcast with the guests at your table. It will be your opportunity to share your hopes for the kind of person your child would one day become. You will be led through this at the event. - Is there an age limit?
We recommend participation before age two, however, we are willing to celebrate your children of any age with you. - Prayer Partners:
There will be a time of prayer and dedication as part of the service. You will be guided through this. Please be sure to encourage the consistent prayer of those who attend for you and your child. - Is this the same as infant baptism?
This event is not infant baptism. We believe that when people are old enough to understand what it means to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, they should have the opportunity to make that choice for themselves. This event is about your commitment as a parent to lead your child into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ so that as your child gets older, you are able to guide them and to help them understand what that means.