Local & Global
From Grand Rapids to Kenya we desire to bring the love of Jesus to all parts of the globe. It starts in our neighborhoods and extends around the world. Learn more about the local and global causes we are a part of.
Italy SERVE TRIP ‘25
June 6-16
Do you love serving children? Are you interested in seeing how God might use you in another culture to impact the lives of the next generation and their families? Magnify is excited to offer the Italy Serve Trip to Imola, Italy to work with our global partners, Josh and Sara Whitman.
We will be running English Vacation Bible School for Italian elementary children in central Italy. As this will draw many from the community who are eager for their children to learn and practice English, it’s a beautiful way to come alongside the Whitman’s, our partners in Italy, to make purposeful connections. We will bring with us an already-developed program, and plan it and execute it together as a team.
While there, we will also fellowship with Josh and Sara’s church plant, Chiesa La Rocca for Sunday services, see some of the historical sites nearby, and enjoy the area.
3 reasons.
We serve a God who is always on a mission and who has called us to go.
The opportunity to learn about missions, our missionary, and to partner in some small way with local church efforts to reach and disciple.
In the process of obediently going, you will find your life challenged towards becoming more fully a servant of our Lord Jesus Christ and those He loves. You will be stretched to articulate your faith and lovingly pursue others for Christ.
We are looking to have our team in place by February.
We will plan to leave Friday, June 6 and return on June 16th.
Imola, Italy. We will be staying in accommodations near the city, driving in and out each night.
This trip is for any adult who currently volunteers with Kids at Magnify, has a teachable heart, loves Jesus and working with elementary age kids, and wants to see God’s name magnified in the nations.
As a team of 8 Magnify adults, we will be running one week of English VBS for Italian elementary children in central Italy.
How Much?
The trip will cost approximately $2900 depending on flight costs. This cost includes flight, lodging and food. If you feel you ought to be a part of this, contact Kim Fedrigo before you let money be the sole deciding factor in not going.
We will be flying into Bologna, Italy. We will then have cars to move about the area as a team
If you are interested in joining us: fill out this short-term mission application.
For additional information, contact Kim Fedrigo.
Malawi SERVE TRIP ‘25
10 Days in the last two weeks of June, 2025
Do you love serving? Are you interested in seeing how God might use you in another culture to impact the lives of people from all over the world who are serving Christ in Africa?
Magnify is excited to offer the Malawi Serve Trip to work with our global partners, Tim and Michelle George.
We will be serving at a Bible conference for SIM missionaries serving in Mozambique (though the conference will be in Malawi). This will include teaching adults, leading worship, planning and executing
programming for teens and children. We are looking for team members to help in all those areas: teaching adults, teens, and children as well as leading worship.
3 reasons.
- We serve a God who is always on a mission and who has called us to go.
- The opportunity to learn about missions, our missionary, and to partner in some small way with local church efforts to reach and disciple.
- In the process of obediently going, you will find your life challenged towards becoming more fully a servant of our Lord Jesus Christ and those He loves. You will be stretched to articulate your faith and lovingly pursue others for Christ.
We are looking to have our team in place by January.
We will plan to be gone for 10 days in the last 2 weeks of June.
Blantyre, Malawi. We will be staying at a local conference center.
This trip is for any adult who currently volunteers at Magnify, has a teachable heart, loves Jesus, loves working as a servant, and wants to see God’s name magnified in the nations.
As a team of 8 Magnify adults, we will be teaching adults, teens and children at a conference for missionaries.
How Much?
The trip will cost approximately $3300 depending on flight costs. This cost includes flight, lodging and food. If you feel you ought to be a part of this, contact Kim Fedrigo before you let money be the sole deciding factor in not going.
We will be flying into Blantyre, Malawi. We will then have a van to move about the area as a team.
If you are interested in joining us: fill out this short-term mission application.
For additional information, contact Kim Fedrigo or Susanne DeJong
Austria Serve Trip – Thank You!
Refugee Resettlement
Aligning with God’s heart for the stranger, Magnify small groups and volunteers help welcome refugees being resettled in the Grand Rapids area. Many opportunities to serve include donating household items, helping find housing, providing transportation and just being a friend to precious families fleeing difficult circumstances abroad. Contact Carol for more information.
Heartside Foot Clinics
Monthly, we head to downtown Grand Rapids with other area health ministries to serve the homeless. Services include foot & nail cleansing, haircuts and taking blood pressures. The most important thing we do is carefully listen to their stories, care and pray for them. Health care and other volunteers are needed. No experience necessary. Transportation is provided, 11:30a-3:00p.
Meals Ministry
Bring a meal to someone who is dealing with a tough medical condition or crisis. To volunteer or bring a meal contact Susan Pelak with the buttons below.