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Men at Magnify

At Magnify Church, we are committed to helping men find and follow Jesus Christ.

Through small groups, large groups, events, and mentor relationships we can learn more about God and each other. Studying the Bible together and chatting over a cup of coffee (or slab of bacon) we can experience personal growth, a greater understanding of the Word, and stronger relationships with our brothers in Christ.

Check out our Men’s Blog for weekly updates.

Men's Blog

Men’s Spring Bible Studies

We want the men of our church to be both deeply practical in their faith AND knowledgeable about God. Each year we take time to take a look at an aspect of the greatness of our God through a theological study that has boots-on-the-ground impact.

This Spring, the Men at Magnify will dig deeper into one of our core doctrines as Christians: The Trinity. We will be using “Delighting in the Trinity” by Michael Reeves as our basis for discussion (see preview below).

Who: All Men at Magnify ages 18+
When: Studies have started, but it’s not too late to jump in

Learn More

Check out our Event Page for more details and registration for current and upcoming Men’s opportunities. Get in touch with Trent Heaton with any questions or to get connected.

Check out our Event Page for more details and registration for current and upcoming Men’s opportunities. Get in touch with Trent Heaton with any questions or to get connected.

Check out our Event Page for more details and registration for current and upcoming Men’s opportunities. Get in touch with Brett Bellamy with any questions or to get connected.

Men at Magnify Extra Mile Podcast

The Men at Magnify Extra Mile Podcast is here to encourage and equip men in their faith in Jesus. We talk about issues and topics facing men in our midst and take it an extra mile with strength, courage, and wisdom. Hosted by Trent and Josh, we include a variety of voices from across ministries to speak into the lives of men. Our goal and prayer is that you would be a little bit sharper when you leave, than when you came.

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Every Man a Warrior

Every Man a Warrior (or “EMAW”) is a discipleship course that helps men walk with God, succeed in life, and spiritually multiply. It tells the stories of real men dealing with real life issues and how God has solutions. Men meet in groups of no more than six. This is a great option for a man who needs to be challenged and have accountability in growing in Spiritual Disciplines.

For questions or more information about EMAW Groups at Magnify Church, contact Jim Bolton, [email protected].

Sign UpPurchase EMAW Books

Men of the Word

This group meets once a month on the 2nd Sunday at a rotating location. The goal of this group is to help men maintain accountability in reading through the Bible. Most men in this group aim to read through the Bible in a year, while others have different timeframes or objectives. Typically meeting at one of the leader’s houses near the Rockford Campus.

For questions or more information about the Men of the Word group, contact Jim Courter, [email protected].

Mentoring Relationships

In Men at Magnify, we deeply desire to help men find life through Christ in all areas. To do so, there’s sometimes seasons where we need to be connected with another man in a one-on-one relationship. Through this, we can gain deep levels of trust and insight through some of life’s hardest challenges. Whether it’s navigating addictions, overcoming sin, or simply needing Godly wisdom, we have many men who set aside time in their schedule to walk beside men toward Christ.

If you desire to connect with a mentor at Magnify Church, please contact Trent Heaton, [email protected] to find out how you can find support.

Ideas? Suggestions? Questions?

If you have ideas for groups, have suggestions for what we could offer in Men’s Ministry, or if you have any questions about what we do, please connect with us! We’d love to talk with you over a cup of coffee or slab of bacon and chat about how we can work together to help MAGNIFY Christ to the world.

Contact: Trent Heaton, [email protected]