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Walk in Discernment



II John 



We live in a time of the covid pandemic. Millions have died due to covid. 

As serious as this pandemic is, our topic today will be about something much more serious. 


We will focus today on the topic of truth versus deception.

Share a time in your life when you have been deceived by someone. Perhaps it was a financial transaction or perhaps it was a betrayal in a relationship.


Think about the motive of the person who deceived you. Name what was “at stake” with the deception. Share your thoughts with the group. 


Today we will talk about the importance of spiritual or theological discernment. 

The stakes are high. 



  • Next step: How can you love other christians within our church and within our own homes this week and beyond? What is one area of theology that you will be studying this week to prepare you to be watchful over your theology?
  • Our love is a response to being loved by God. Discuss the following: to the degree one is able to receive the love of Christ in their own life is the degree to which they will be able to respond with love toward God and others. What blocks your ability to receive the love of Christ in your own life (think in the category of your own story, think of shame or guilt, think of trying to perform to earn love etc.)? Talk about a step you can take as a group or individually to grow in your ability to receive love. You could choose to meditate on a passage on forgiveness  for several days this week (Luke 15:11-31, Romans 7:21-8:4) or a passage where God declares His love such as Jeremiah 31:20, John 3:16, Romans 8:15-16 (TPT version), or Zephaniah 3:14-17.  “Surrender to Love“ by David Benner is an excellent book to help you grow in Christ’s love. 



If false teachings are not checked they will lead us astray–don’t let down your guard. 

We cannot think we are immune to false teaching either individually or corporately within our church.

We must be growing in our doctrine which will equip us to love well while also defending us against false teachers.


In II John 1:4-6 John tells us to love one another. This is the umbrella over the letter. John is awash in the love of Christ. He has tasted deeply of Christ’s love. 


Our love is always a response to being loved. It is not that we have loved God first. 

No, we have received love from God first. 

We hated God. 

This was our condition. So, what was God’s response to His enemy? He loved. He pursued. He humbled Himself. 


So, while God could be justified in condemning us He does something radically different. He dies for us and He risks so much by pursuing us in love.


Proper love is shaped and formed by the commands of God. 


To love someone is to urge that person toward God. 


In II John 1:7-9 John writes about a truth-informed love. He tells us to watch ourselves and to watch our doctrine.


The spirit of the antiChrist will always be around until the end times. 

The false teachers John alludes to were claiming that Christ did not come in the flesh. They claimed He was a spiritual figure.

The word “deceivers”  implies that there is an imposter who intentionally is trying to lead people away from the truth.  


One of our greatest problems in our church is not having a clear understanding of core doctrines of the faith.


If we are only concerned about the practical side of theology rather than doctrine we miss the point that sound doctrine will flow practically in and through our lives. 

Healthy doctrine is not divorced from our daily lives.


The best fathers and mothers and the best custodians and engineers are the best theologians. Grow in your knowledge of the Word and good theology.


Theology is not for the academic world. It is for every believer. 


How do we respond to those who deceive? 

The church is called to engage in discipline. 

John, when referring to the false teachers,  tells us not to “receive them” into our house. This refers to hospitality. It is a symbol of trust to receive someone into your own home in Johns’ culture; it is a sign and seal of approval. So, John says not to extend this to the false teachers.


People are going to hell because of false teaching. So, we don’t condone those who teach false doctrines.


John is not applying this to unbelievers in general. This action is intended solely for  false teachers who claim to be believers.