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Vision Sunday

SERMON DISC. GUIDE – for 5/22/22 Sermon 

On behalf of Magnify Church and especially the Small Groups Team, I want to extend the most sincere gratitude from the bottom of our hearts to Dan Lokers. Dan has been an instrumental member of the team for the last 20 years. Because of Dan, countless men, women and families have been nurtured and supported both directly and indirectly through his leadership. Dan is stepping down in his formal staff role here at Magnify Church, but will remain a valuable asset in the future of small groups and men’s ministry. If you see him around town or church, be sure to say ‘thanks!’. 

With this will come some changes over the summer. Dan had been the guy who had worked on our Sermon Discussion Guides for the last few years and with him leaving the post, we’re using it as an opportunity to rethink, revamp, and redesign the SDG. 

So a couple of requests: 

    1. Be on the lookout for a brief survey regarding the sermon discussion guide. It will only take about 60 seconds to complete, but will really help our team think through what is most helpful to you and your group. 
    2. If you or someone you know is really good at asking questions or thinking up discussion
      points from the week’s sermons, please connect with us! We’re forming a team to help with this very useful tool for our small groups.

If you have any other questions or requests regarding all things small groups here at Magnify Church, please don’t hesitate to reach out! 

We’re excited to see how God will use this new chapter in small groups ministry to live out our values and to magnify the name of Jesus! 

With Joy and Gratitude, 

Trent and Kathryn
Small Groups Ministry
Magnify Church

Vision Sunday “Forward Together”
Scripture Reference: Acts 2:22-47
Discussion Guide 

Matt Z. Live-streamed from Northview Campus (9a) and Ensley Campus (10:50a) 

The Power of Story

BIG IDEA: How can I bring my story in line with God’s story in my church? 

In this week’s sermon, Matt Zainea casts vision for Magnify Church and helps us see our way together into the future. Through the lens of Compelling Story, Matt reminded us that we are all seeking Deep Truth and Hope for the Future. 

Check out the below notes, questions and thoughts and discuss them as a group. Be sure to take time to open and read Scripture, praying with and for one another as you consider what it looks like to let God’s Big Story become you. 

  • Lt. Col. Dan Rooney (ret.) American Dunes Golf Course (Grand Haven, MI) 
      • What was compelling to you about Matt’s story regarding the American Dunes Golf Course? 
      • Are there other businesses, organizations, or ministries that use compelling story to help drive their mission? 
      • Share a story from your own experience when God brought something good out of a challenging or bad situation. 
      • Special note: for more information regarding Lt. Col. Dan Rooney and his mission to serve the families of fallen soldiers, check out 
  • Compelling Stories
      • Matt shared that there are two factors that make stories compelling: Deep
        Truths and a feeling of hope. 
      • What are some other factors that you might include that are important in a
        compelling story? 
      • What is an example of a story that is particularly compelling to you? Favorite
        movie? Book? TV series? Story? 
  • Acts 2 
      • Read Acts 2 out loud together 
      • What do you find compelling about this story? 
      • Matt referenced verse 24 as one of the most compelling lines in entire the Gospel story. Why do you think this is? 
      • V37: “Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart…” 
          • What in the previous verses was the “this” that verse 37 is referring to? 
      • What does it look like in to be “cut to the heart” in your life? Give an example of a time when you felt “cut” by someone. 
      • What is the difference between feeling “cut to the heart” by someone else, and “cut” by the conviction of your sin? 
      • v37b-47 reflect the response of the people in their repentance after their hearts were cut. Real repentance produces movement toward holiness, not only sorrow over our sins or shameful feelings. 
      • What has conviction of sin looked like in your life? Did this move you toward real repentance, or something else? 
      • Read Hebrews 12:7-11. How does this help us see conviction of sin rightly?
  • Our Compelling Story 
      • Magnify Church’s Mission: Always Making Disciples (cf. Matt. 28)
      • Vision: To see Christ-followers live out the double-love command in all of their life (love God, love others cf. Matt. 22:36-40)
      • Values: Extracted from Acts 2:42-47 
          • WORSHIP 
          • LEARN 
          • RELATE 
          • GIVE 
          • SERVE 
          • REACH 
      • Matt said, “Church is the place to share this story and to live it… until the story becomes us,” What do you think Matt meant when he said this? 
  • Closing thoughts:
      • “We aren’t a Christ-centered church because we say so… it must become us.” 
      • Matt’s personal story of his own life shaped by this church: Not perfect, but impacted deeply. He’s been hurt and he’s hurt others, but he can’t think of his family without thinking of this church.
      • What do we want?: We want the Gospel to become us to the very core, and to shape us to be who God wants us to become.
  • BIG IDEA: How can I bring my story in line with God’s story in my church?