John 10:1-15
Who in your life cares about you the most?
What is it that they do that makes you think that?
A core question we all ask is, “Do you care about me?”.
Often our fights and disagreements are caused by being unsure of the others’ love.
- Set aside time to be still and rest in the goodness of your Shepherd. Think about the shepherd who knows and cares for you perfectly.
There are no shortcuts.To the degree we set aside time to be still and rest in His goodness is the degree we can enjoy His goodness.
Consider reading John 10:1-15 or Psalm 23.
As you reflect on these words from God try to tune in to the expression of His hearts’ love for you in these passages.
He is trying to reveal His heart personally for you.
Take time to experience the pasture–grab a picture of sheep grazing in a pasture if that helps.
Share with the group what was nourishing for you as you reflected.
Also, share what typically blocks you from receiving His deep care and the rest He provides.
If you come to realize that Jesus is like “middle ground” and that you need to make Him Lord, take that step and invite Him to be your Savior.
Share with the group or your group leader if you take this step.
- Jesus invites us to Himself when He says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.”.
What does “pasture” mean? Imagine sheep grazing in a pasture.There is peace in the pasture.
As you reflect on your life this past week or month do you have peace or worry and anxiety?
Take some time alone with Jesus to reflect on this and share your answer with the group.
- The pasture Jesus is referring to also provides safety.
The sheep are calm and at rest.Do you feel threatened relationally? Do certain people bring fear in your life?
Do you long for safety?
- The pasture also provides rest.
Do you feel harried, tired, drained?Taking care of kids or working long hours…or caring for elderly parents?
Are you in the midst of something that is wearing you down and there is no end in sight?
Jesus invites you to rest in His pasture.
Jesus does not promise your life will not have any hassles but He is promising to give you a sense of pasture.
Share your reflections with the group.
Group leaders: you may want to invite each group member to share one of the areas above–peace, safety, rest.
- Do you really think Jesus cares about you now?
Does He know and care about the details in your life right now?Why do you think such a simple truth is so hard for us to settle into?
One reason it is difficult is that we have a thief whose goal is to us from settling into God’s personal care.
Think of the “pasture” that Adam and Eve enjoyed in the garden.
All their needs were met and the thief made them doubt the compassionate heart of God for them when he told them God was holding out on them.
Share with the group how the thief lies to you about God’s heart for you.
Also, share with the group what has helped you the most in this battle with doubt.
Group leaders: take some time as a group to affirm God’s love for each one in the group.
Read Psalm 23 together or another passage that speaks of His love.
Today’s topic explains so much about life.
Jesus is dealing with the question, “Is there a sovereign creator God who cares about me?”.
Does He care about me personally?
Two focuses: door of the Sheepfold and the Good Shepherd
Jesus explains two nuances about the door of the Sheepfold
This is cosmic. He is teaching about all of reality when He teaches that He cares for His sheep.
Jesus’ first nuance of the sheepfold is that there is a gatekeeper.
The gatekeeper gives authority only to the Shepherd to come through the door.
Jesus says He is the ONLY one who has gone through the door.
Jesus is saying there is only one way to eternal life and it is through Him.
The sheep follow Him because they know His voice.
Sheep are stupid but they can recognize the voice of the Shepherd.
So, even if another shepherd comes and calls a lamb by its name the lamb will panic.
So, how do we know the voice of our Shepherd?
The answer is the Word of God.
In addition to the Word we also hear His voice through the Holy Spirit and the people of God.
The more we are in the Word and the more we have godly people in our life the more we will hear the voice of our Shepherd.
The second nuance Christ shares is this:
“Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.”.
What does “pasture” mean? Imagine sheep grazing in a pasture. There is peace in the pasture.
Do you have peace or worry and anxiety?
Each of us tries to create a pasture in our life: a vacation, buying a new house or car etc.
If I get “X” then I will have peace. Do you feel this?
He says in Psalm 23 that He gives a place to meet with Him in the presence of our enemies
Jesus says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
The thief is active in our culture.
Today the spirit of the age is: ourselves.
This spirit is everywhere in our culture.
The thief wants us to live in jealousy, confusion, pride, boredom, in a mindset of being gypped, and insecure.
The more I scheme and plan and manipulate people the more I get confused and insecure.
The second focus of Christ is in verse 11-12 where He says that as the Good Shepherd He will lay down His life for the sheep.
He who is a hired hand sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees and the wolf snatches them.
Only one Shepherd cares deeply for you!
Do you really think Jesus cares about you?
Does He know and care about the details in your life right now?
Jesus says He knows me. How do I know this for sure?
We have a deep desire for this care.
Why would a created being have this desire innately within us?
Jesus fully intends to draw us to Himself to settle into the “pasture” of His care.
The people who care about me the most can’t do it as much as I desire.
We can’t do it enough for those we care about.
The response to Jesus’ teaching is a division once again. They said he has a demon and He is insane!
Jesus is one of three things: Lord, Liar, or Lunatic.
There is not room for Him being a good moral teacher. He claims to be God and the forgiver of sins and if He is wrong then He cannot be a good moral teacher.