John 11:45-57
A large controversy followed John F. Kennedys assassination.
Who shot him? Was there a conspiracy?
What is it about conspiracy theories that draw us in?
Have you been part of a conspiracy? A surprise birthday party is a conspiracy.
Maybe you and a group of friends are gossiping about someone? That is a conspiracy.
Share with the group one conspiracy you have been a part of.
Today we look at the ultimate evil conspiracy: the plot to kill Jesus.
- Share which of the 4 categories below you struggle with the most. Share one or two of your answers to the detailed questions in that category. Here are the 4 areas of our life where we may be conspiring against Jesus’ Lordship in our lives:
- Relationships. Do you have people that you really dislike but they don’t know it? Maybe this dislike shows up in gossip or you simply withdraw from that person.
We attempt to undermine a person secretly.
Do you carry unspoken resentment against people in your life?
Do you use sarcasm to hide true thoughts about people?
Jesus tells us that if there is a real problem with someone to go directly to that person to talk to them.
To choose any other path is to partake in conspiracy.
- Money. Are you hiding jealousy or envy over wealth and this shapes your relationships?
You look up to the wealthy or look down on those below you financially.
Would you be ashamed if your actual giving were known by the church?
Do I need to be ahead of other people financially? Do you carry a quiet smugness about your success?
Perhaps you just feel better than other people because of your financial situation.
Do you secretly relish other peoples’ failures?
- Sexuality. Do you have secret activities in this arena?
Do you allow extra marital relational attachments to exist in your mind?
Do you flirt online or in person in ways that violate the boundaries of marriage?
- Ambition. Do you desperately need to be ahead of others?
Do you carry smugness about your success?
Do you think you are better than others?
Do you secretly relish other peoples’ failures?
What comes after Lazarus’ resurrection? The greatest conspiracy follows it.
Jesus intentionally lit the fuse! He knew that this miracle would create this reaction.
Jesus is the great divider.
There is no middle ground with Jesus and every single human being must decide what to do with Jesus.
What motivates the people who don’t believe in Jesus to run to the Pharisees?
What motivates them is fear. Something they hold dear is threatened.
The fear is that the Romans will crack down on all of them if Jesus continues to do miracles like this.
They believe they could lose their place and their nation.
Caiaphas said one man should die for the people rather than the whole nation perish; we can preserve what we love at the expense of Jesus’ life.
When we are afraid we fall into conspiracies.
We have 3 options in response to Jesus: resist, ignore, or follow Him with our whole life.
To ignore Him is to have Him as Savior but to ignore His claims of Lordship in our life.
Are there parts of your life where you are ignoring Jesus?
If so we have entered into our own conspiracy.
Is Jesus asking me to take something I hold dear and give it to Him?