Steve Welch // Rockford Campus // December 8, 2024
CHRISTMAS CANDLELIGHT SERVICE (Sunday, December 22, 9am, 3pm, and 6pm)
Kids programming for Birth-Age 3 is offered at the 9am and 3pm services only. Kids are invited to join us for the 6pm service.
WINTER BIBLE STUDIES (Beginning the week of January 12, 2025)
Both Men’s and Women’s Winter Bible Studies will begin the week of January 12th at the Rockford and Northview campuses. Registration for each is open on the events page of the website.
LEADER DEVELOPMENT CLASS (Sundays, 6–7pm – Rockford Campus Room 304)
We’ve had some TERRIFIC LDC’s lately covering the topic of how to navigate Crucial Conversations. Thank you to the Leaders who’ve been able to make it!
Here’s the plan as we move into the holiday season for continuing to grow and learn together:
- Dec. 22: OFF – Christmas Break
- Dec. 29: OFF – New Year’s Break
- Jan. 5: Continue Crucial Conversations
This Sunday was the second Sunday of Advent, when we focus on the peace we have with God through Christ. Take a few moments as a group or by yourself to share what you think of when you think of peace.
Note: If you are meeting as a group, we encourage you to read the entire text together out loud.
Read Luke 13:1–9.
- What does the fruit of repentance look like in my life?
- See the development matrix at the end of this discussion guide. When looking at the matrix, where do you feel the Holy Spirit nudging you?
Be Ready
In the section of Scripture immediately preceding this week’s passage, Jesus wanted everyone who was listening to know that a judgment is coming and each of us can choose to be consumed by the fire of judgment or the fire of baptism in the Holy Spirit, which leads to eternal life.
- How often do you think of Christ’s second coming and the judgment that will follow?
- What do you think of when you do think of these things?
Repent and Live
In verses 3 and 5 Jesus presents a condition: “unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” Steve defined repentance as renouncing sin and turning from our self-willed life. He pointed out that repentance and faith belong together. We cannot have faith without daily repentance.
Read Galatians 5:16–25.
- What does this passage tell us about the connection between repentance and faith?
- What do you think it means to crucify the flesh with its passions and desires?
- Do you consider yourself to be crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20)?
Read Romans 2:8–9
- What does this say about the coming judgment for those who do not repent of their sins and exercise faith in Christ as their Savior?
Read Romans 5:1–2, 6–11
- What does this say about the judgment for those who do repent of their sins and exercise faith in Christ as their Savior?
A Fruitful Life
Jesus told the people a parable of a fig tree to illustrate His point. In the parable an owner came to seek fruit on a fig tree, and finding none, asked the vinedresser to cut the tree down. The vinedresser asked for one more chance to fertilize the tree and see if it would bear fruit.
From this parable we see that God exercises patience with His people, but He does expect fruit from everyone who calls themselves a Christian. By placing His call to repentance and this parable side by side, Jesus is showing us that repentance is a lifestyle leading to a fruitful life.
Read John 15:5-8.
- Jesus says that fruitfulness is an indicator of whether or not we are abiding in Christ. What does abiding in Christ mean to you?
- Why do you think we must abide in Christ in order to produce fruit?
- What is the purpose of our fruitfulness?
Spend more time with the development matrix at the end of this discussion guide. (It is also available in the sermon slides on the website.) Go through each category and note where you’re at now. If you don’t see a box that describes where you’re at, jot it down in the margins.
Ask God to show you where there is room for new repentance, maturity, and fruitfulness.
If comfortable, make a plan as a group to help each other grow and check in on one another’s growth.
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. – Jesus, John 15:5–8
- Pray that God will show each of you areas in your life where you are in need of repentance. Pray for the humility to repent and seek God daily.
- Ask God to produce good fruit in you that will then be used to bless others and so show the world that you are His disciples.
Development Matrix
Here is the matrix that Steve shared during the sermon: