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Storytellers: Eternal Dinner Etiquette

Don Denyes // Rockford Campus // February 2, 2025




LEADER DEVELOPMENT CLASS (Sundays, 6–7pm – Rockford Campus, “The Pond” downstairs by the library)

This Sunday (2/2), we begin a new series through the book LEAD by Paul David Tripp. See the Winter/Spring schedule attached:

LDC Schedule Winter/Spring 2025

Though this book is written most directly to Ministry Directors, it contains helpful nuggets of truth for us all to learn from.

Our hope is that as we dig into the critical Gospel elements of leadership, we’ll not only be able to assess our own hearts as we lead, but also grow in knowing how to pray for and encourage our Church Leadership.

Feb 2: *NEW SERIES* Lead by Paul David Tripp
Feb 9: Early start! Snacks will be served at 4:00, class starts at 4:30


Feb 2nd is Groundhog Day, and Don referenced the classic movie by that name. If you could relive any day of your life even once, which would it be and why?



Note: If you are meeting as a group, we encourage you to read the entire text together out loud.


  • How are you pursuing God’s priorities?


Godlike Humility

Jesus challenged His listeners to seek lowly positions rather than exalting themselves. This runs against the way the world thinks; instead, it recognizes that God judges us differently, and that He is the only one who can exalt you in the way that matters. When we walk in humility, we see God, others, and ourselves in their proper perspective.


  • Why is this humility “God-like”? What does Philippians 2 remind us about the humility of Christ?
  • What are some ways you can try to place God and His will ahead of yourself and your will?
  • What are some ways you can try to lift up others?
  • What do we risk when we give up trying to get ahead? Why might that risk be worth it?

Gracious Hospitality

Jesus further challenges us to do nice things for people who can’t repay us. While there is nothing wrong with doing nice things for family and friends, Jesus wants us to remember those in need—those who don’t seem like a good investment on paper. When we, out of our love for Jesus, give to those who can’t give back, God sees that and will reward you when Jesus returns.


  • How does God’s grace to us set the example for how we should treat others?
    • What does Ephesians 2:1–10 teach us about what we did to earn salvation?
    • What does Ephesians 1:1–14 teach us about God’s generosity?
  • When you see a need or hear a request, how do you decide whether to help or not? Are you ever tempted to ask what’s in it for you?
  • What are you actively doing right now to seek out and help people who can’t help you back?

Gospel Hope

As the Jewish authorities continued to wrestle with Jesus, He warned them that even though they were invited to salvation, their excuses would keep them from receiving it. The hope of the Gospel is for everyone. As servants of the king, we are called to go out into the world and invite everyone to salvation in Christ.


  • The people in this third parable offered flimsy excuses not to come to the feast, which revealed what really mattered to them. If you were one of those people, what kind of excuse would you make? What competes with Christ for your affections?
  • The recurring theme in these parables is about seeking favor from God. What are you most looking forward to when Christ returns?
  • Who are you inviting to Jesus? What is the biggest challenge you face in the process?



This week, make a list with three groups of people: those you can lift up in everyday life, those in need who can’t do anything for you, and those who need to be invited to faith in Jesus. Ask God to help you as you make plans to reach out. While you may not have time to pursue all three groups at once, try to make at least one change this week in the way you treat people in these groups.

Take time each day to thank God for the humility, generosity, and hope that Christ modeled for us.


As you discuss the people God has placed on your heart, pray for one another to be emboldened by the love of Christ, to find opportunities to love your neighbors in these ways, and to set your hearts and hopes afresh on Jesus Christ.