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Passion Week



  • John 12:12-19


  • Share a favorite Passion Week / Easter memory or tradition.  Could be past or present.


  • The Jews were expecting Messiah to come and liberate them from their oppressors, the Romans.  But that was not God’s plan.  God knew that sin had to be dealt with in a permanent manner in order to reconcile His people back into His eternal presence.  We are also guilty of putting our own expectations on God’s answers to our prayers.
    • Think of a time when God answered your prayer in an unexpected manner.
  • Similar to the fig tree that is lush but lacking fruit, we can have faith in God but not bear “fruit” (demonstrate our belief with our actions).  In Matthew 15:8, Jesus quotes Isaiah to the Pharisees, “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me’”.  Matt talked about how we come before God; what attitudes or agendas do we bring to Him.
    • What attitudes or agendas do you bring to God?  Perhaps hopelessness, fear, disbelief?  Do you allow room for God to answer your prayers, or do you pray and go about your day?
  • When Pilate asked the people who they would like to be released, they chose Barabbas, a murderer, instead of Jesus.  The people were afraid of Jesus, that He would threaten things that they held dear to themselves. 
    • What are you holding onto today that is more dear than Jesus?