Matt Zainea Rockford Campus April 24, 2023
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QUESTION: Ben shared on Sunday that his wife Missy made a raspberry white chocolate cheesecake for his birthday, do you have a favorite dessert? Do you have any special memories tied to this dessert?
THIS WEEK’S KEY PASSAGE: 1 Corinthians 7:25-40
Note: We encourage you to read the entire text together as a group out loud.
Big Idea: How do I live my whole life around the mission of God?
QUESTION: How does Paul’s view of singleness contrast with the way today’s culture views singleness?
- Paul is not knocking marriage. We know that he says in Ephesians that marriage is a reflection of how Christ loves the church.
- Just like fire outside of bounds is destructive, sexuality outside the bounds of marriage is destructive. Marriage is the fireplace for sexual desire.
QUESTION: What do you think it means to delight in singleness?
- Paul makes a concession, not a command. He is not giving us a new law. He’s giving principles of wisdom.
QUESTION: Considering Paul’s life, (his many sufferings, being thrown in prison etc.) do you think his ministry would have looked different if he was married with children? How would marriage and children complicate his ministry?
QUESTION: How would you describe a life that is truly on mission for Jesus?
QUESTION: Does this scripture passage or anything Ben mentioned in the message, change the way you viewed singleness? If so, how is it different?
QUESTION: What do you think your family, friends or loved ones would say is at the center of your life? What would you long for them to say?
QUESTION: If you knew we only had one year before Jesus came back, what would you need to reorder in your life? What would you change?
- From peacetime to wartime, priorities change.
- The world as we know it will soon pass away. Imminent – Likely to happen without delay.
- The return of Christ must shape our priorities every day.
What’s at the center?
- Marriage
- Mourning/Rejoicing
- Wealth/Business
QUESTION: What are you most tempted to put at the center of your life instead of Jesus? What is one thing that you could do today to grow in being centered on Christ?
Intentional singleness – Why we should consider intentional singleness?
- Effectiveness
- Priorities
- Happiness
The church should celebrate singleness that’s on mission for Jesus.
QUESTION: If you have any singles in your group, ask them to list some ways that they long to be blessed, encouraged or celebrated? If you can make it happen, do it. If you don’t have anyone in your group who’s single, brainstorm together as a group what you think someone single might long for, and if you can, make it happen for someone single in your life.
Those with a deep longing to be married, how do you remain faithful in the waiting?
In the Waiting
- Live on mission
- Move toward trust in God
- Choose joy and contentment
- Come to Jesus, the spring of living water
- Don’t miss today
- Fight for sexual faithfulness
There is no spouse who can meet the deepest longings of your heart, no spouse worthy of worship.
NEXT STEP: How can I serve the Lord best with as few distractions as possible?
Pray this scripture together. Colossions 3:16-17 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Encourage one another to that end.