I John 1:5-2:6 ICE BREAKER Think of someone that you love. What evidence is there that confirms the truth that you indeed love this person? What about…
Groups Discussion
II Peter 1:3-15 ICE BREAKER Where are you at in your christian walk? Is there anything that you know needs to be dealt with? Even though we know…
Malachi 4:1-12 ICE BREAKER Have you ever said something like this to your spouse or a good friend, “It would be nice if you cared about me like…
Ezekiel 47:1-12 ICE BREAKER Life is sustained by water. We tend not to think much about this but it is a truth that surrounds us daily. Share a…
Jeremiah 1:1-10 ICE BREAKER Jeremiah had some fear when God called him. He is not afraid of the enemies of God, He is afraid of how he will be…
Isaiah 1:1-4 ICE BREAKER Have you been in a situation where there was a fork in the road and you knew God wanted you to choose a path but…