Groups Discussion
The Temple
December 5th, 2021
John 2:13-25 ICE BREAKER What are you passionate about? Share one of your passions with the group. Share what it is about your passion that captures your…
The Wedding
November 28th, 2021
John 2:1-12 ICE BREAKER In life we don’t want to come up short. Are we afraid of coming up short? One way to measure this is to reflect on how…
John the Baptist
November 15th, 2021
John 1:19-23 ICE BREAKER How would you rate your faith in Jesus? Have there been times when that rating has changed? Maybe things you are going through cause you…
It’s Not Just Grace
November 7th, 2021
John 1:1-18 ICE BREAKER Who do you know with a first name of Grace or Charis? This name is so common because grace is important to us. Share why grace…
Children of God
October 31st, 2021
John 1:1-13 ICE BREAKER Think of your fondest childhood family memory. Next think of your worst childhood family memory. We have deep longings when it comes to our family relationships. …
Darkness Will Not Win
October 24th, 2021
John 1:1-5 ICE BREAKER Most people believe the world is getting worse, not better. The crucial question is: Where is Jesus in this? Does the darkness win? We know…
Who Is Jesus
October 17th, 2021
John 1:1-18 ICE BREAKER Have you ever asked your parents for something you doubted they would want to give to you? What was your strategy as a child to influence…
Doing Discipleship In These Times
October 10th, 2021
Matthew 28:16-20 ICE BREAKER In our nation the influence of christianity is becoming less and less. It is like a distant thunder from afar. The…