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Groups Discussion

Coming Together


      Proverbs 18:12-13: “Before destruction a man’s heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor. If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and…

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Work Matters


II Thessalonians 3:6-15   ICE BREAKER Think of a time you experienced someone doing a good job on your behalf. How did you feel when that happened? Next, think about…

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Baptism Sunday


Romans 6:1-11 ICE BREAKER Each time we attend a wedding ceremony we observe a powerful tradition. The bride and groom exchange a ring. The ring is given after the vows…

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Walk in Love


    I John  4:7-21   ICE BREAKER Today we will talk about walking in love. Close your eyes. Is there light in the room? If someone tells you there is,…

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Walk in Light


    I John  1:5-2:6   ICE BREAKER Think of someone that you love. What evidence is there that confirms the truth that you indeed love this person? What about…

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True Change


  II Peter 1:3-15   ICE BREAKER Where are you at in your christian walk? Is there anything that you know needs to be dealt with? Even though we know…

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  I Peter 2:13-17   ICE BREAKER The question we will be addressing today is this: “How do we, as believers, interact with the world and the ruling authorities?”.   …

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