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Groups Discussion

Two Sides of Devotion


SCRIPTURE REFERENCE John 12:1-11    ICE BREAKER What does it mean to be devoted to Christ? What does a life look like that is devoted to Christ? Today we will…

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Resurrection Sunday


SCRIPTURE REFERENCE II Cor 5:21   ICE BREAKER Brainstorm together as a group and identify at least 12 ways God demonstrates His love toward you.    DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Share with…

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Passion Week


  SCRIPTURE REFERENCE John 12:12-19 ICE BREAKER Share a favorite Passion Week / Easter memory or tradition.  Could be past or present. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS The Jews were expecting Messiah to…

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The Death of Death


John 11:45-57   ICE BREAKER A large controversy followed John F. Kennedys assassination.  Who shot him? Was there a conspiracy?    What is it about conspiracy theories that draw us…

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Be Healed


John 9:1-6 ICE BREAKER Imagine a portrait of yourself that reveals the effects of every one of your daily sins.  The result would be that  you can no longer be…

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Be Found


John 8:34-58 ICE BREAKER Share some thoughts regarding why we trace the roots of our family.    Often we look to see if there is something of importance in our…

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Be Free


John 8:12-38 ICE BREAKER Where do you see darkness in our world today?    What do you think Jesus meant by darkness in John 8:12?    DISCUSSION QUESTIONS They did…

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No Condemnation


John 8:1-11 ICE BREAKER The woman caught in the act of adultery was brought by the Pharisees to Jesus.    What do you think she felt being thrown into the…

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