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Life Group Leader Newsletter – Nov. 2022


  • What do you love?
  • Fall Leader Refresh – Save the date: Nov 13
  • The SDG is FIRE!
  • Thanks and See You Soon


Life Group Leaders,

What do you love and how do you know?

These are the questions that Steve Welch used to open his recent sermon.

Do we love the Lord? Do we love our family? Do we love our church?

How do we know? How would others know?

How we spend our TIME, TALENTS, and TREASURES reveals what we truly love. A wise man once said, “Show me your checkbook, your calendar, and what you sweat over and I’ll show you what you care about.”


Leader, what do you love?

My prayer and hope is not that we are perfect and never mess up.

My hope is that in the midst of our trying and failing, as we get our loves straightened out and then out-of-order again, we would lead others to the One who loves and forgives us.

I am praying for you– may God’s love to you be the driving force of the your life today.


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You’re invited to an opportunity as a Group Leader to be encouraged, filled up and share with other leaders the boots-on-the-ground reality of group life. There’s something special to meeting up with others who are leading and I really hope you don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Fall Leader Refresh will be on Sunday, Nov 13 at 10:45am in Portable 3 (Rockford Campus). All campuses are welcome!

Together, we’ll be digging into a conversation on the INWARD dynamic of love that we are called to as Jesus followers in a group context.

My hope is that this is less a “training” and more of a time where you leave feeling refreshed and filled up to go and love your group well!

RSVP to attend this event (so we know how many to expect for snacks and supplies)


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If you haven’t checked it out lately, the Sermon Discussion Guide this fall has been GREAT.

Our team (Eric and Kathryn) have had a lot of amazing material to work with as our pastors continue to bring solid, biblical teaching with practical life application week after week!

If you haven’t tried it out yet, I’d HIGHLY recommend trying it out in your group.

Whether it’s the primary driver of conversation in your group or not, we believe this resource put together by our Life Groups team has some insightful, though-provoking questions for everyone.

Check it out here:


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A special note of gratitude and a fond farewell to a dear friend and servant of the Groups Ministry. Eric Shelner has served the last several months behind the scenes helping provide guidance, counsel, and support to the Groups and Men’s Ministry. He has recently accepted a full-time ministry role as Campus Pastor at Hope Church in Boulder City, NV. He will be with us for a few more weeks before officially making the 1,947 mile journey (not that I’m counting).

If you get a chance, please be sure to reach out to Eric to say ‘thanks’ and ‘congrats’!


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THANK YOU so very much for continuing to lead and serve – YOU make community in our church possible! Keep going!

Stand Firm,

Trent and the Life Groups team of Magnify Church