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Life In Action – Sermon Discussion Guide 1.29.23

Matt Zainea                                                   Rockford Campus                                            January 29, 2023


GET IT TOGETHER – Life In Action




  • Men’s and Women’s Ministry Groups – it’s not too late to get jump in! Find out more HERE.
  • Pray for our High School Retreat on February 3. Pray for many students to hear the Gospel and respond with a willing heart!



** Matt talked about how as a church we emphasized the importance of voting against Prop 3, but unfortunately it passed rather easily. So what do we do now? Our Mission as a church and as believers is life and our mission does not end. We are pointing people towards the source of all life, Jesus. Are you ever tempted to give up when political votes don’t go the way you think they should? What helps you to refocus and keep moving forward?



THIS WEEK’S KEY PASSAGE: 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

 ** Matt Zainea is preaching our sermon series Get It Together, focusing on Paul’s first letter to the church of Corinth known as 1 Corinthians. In it, we will consider the eternal truths for our time in history. There’s so much that is profound, yet very meaningful to our day-to-day lives. Matt jumped ahead to 1 Corinthians 13 due to Sanctity of Life Sunday and invited Colleen Geisel from Alpha Grand Rapids to share about this pro-life ministry.


3 Warnings that include very important aspects of the Christian life.

  • Words – We can have all the right words, but if we don’t have love it means nothing.
  • Theology – We can have all the right theology, but if we don’t have love it means nothing.
  • Sacrifice – We can have all the best sacrifices, but if we don’t have love it means nothing.


QUESTION: Why do you think Christians can veer off and forget the priority of loving God and loving people?


QUESTION: When considering the three warnings that Paul mentioned in verses 1-3, which one are you most tempted to emphasize over love?


QUESTION: When you’re going off the rails and focusing on the wrong things, what helps you to refocus on the importance of love?




  • Alpha’s mission: Motivated by the love of Christ, we promote abundant life by providing holistic services to women and men affected by unplanned pregnancy.
  • Alpha Women’s Center and Alpha Men’s Center work together to provide both moms and dads with nonjudgmental, compassionate care.

You can watch or read about stories of lives impacted by Alpha HERE.

Find out more about our Mission at Magnify HERE.

Find out more about our Global Partners HERE.

Find out more about the Local Organizations that Magnify partners with HERE.


QUESTION: If you can’t relate to having an unplanned pregnancy, can you remember a time where you faced something else in your life that was unplanned? How did you feel?


QUESTION: Share a time when you confided in someone and was met with either judgment or compassion. How did that affect you?


QUESTION: Many people think of being pro-life simply as taking a political stance against abortion. Brainstorm together as group what it might look like to expand that definition and promote the value of life in other areas as well?


**At the heart of being pro-life is coming to Jesus Christ through faith alone. Recognizing we’re sinners, repenting of our sins and giving our lives and whole hearts to Jesus Christ, because that’s the only way to eternal life. Accepting Jesus as your personal savior is your first step in being pro-life, everything comes from that. If you haven’t given your life to Christ and have questions or want to know more, please reach out to us at [email protected].



1 Corinthians 13:13, “So now faith, hope and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Ask the Lord to show you how you can grow in prioritizing love in your relationships with your family, small group, church and community. Pray for one another to that end.



What can I do this week to promote life in my family, with my neighbors, with my church and its partners?