Matthew 28:16-20
In our nation the influence of christianity is becoming less and less. It is like a distant thunder from afar.
The majority of people in leadership in our country both at the federal level and the local level do not have a christian worldview.
Discipleship is not automatic like we think at times.
Take some time to reflect on who discipled you in your life. Share with the group one or two meaningful things about this person that discipled you. How has this discipleship shaped your life?
- Thank you for being known, present, and faithful in your small group journey. Thank you for taking your personal discipleship seriously in the context of your small group– it is crucial.
Thank you to those of you who are leading groups. You are facilitating a place for people to take the next step in their discipleship.
We do not want to have the mindset that only a select few believers can disciple others.
Use the definition for discipleship that follows and ask yourself if you are able to disciple someone. Share why or why not.
- Biblical discipleship is bringing the truth of God’s word into the life of a person whereby they grow in submitting to it. Discipleship is a process of learning and obeying and enjoying Christ in one’s life.
- Reflect on this discipleship challenge: have someone ahead of you, someone alongside you and someone you are reaching out to that is behind you. In what area do you need to take a step forward? Begin thinking about how you can do that this week. Share some initial thoughts with the group.
- The home is where the fight for christian discipleship is most needed in our culture. Share how the discipleship journey is going in your family. Take some time to pray as a group in the area each family needs prayer.
- LifeWay research tells us that many professing protestant evangelical christians’ view of marriage is changing drastically. The view of many is no longer the view of one man and one woman in marriage.
So, something is missing in regard to discipleship if the average christian believes that marriage has evolved from what Jesus taught about marriage.
Do you feel pressure in your family or in your work or school context to soften or be silent about Christ’s teaching on marriage being one man and one woman? Talk about some good ways to handle this pressure.
What is biblical christian discipleship?
It is bringing the truth of God’s word into the life of a person whereby they grow in submitting to it.
It is a process of learning and obeying and enjoying Jesus.
We must be committed to marriage and the family according to the commands of God.
The home is where the fight for christian discipleship is most needed in our culture.
Marriage and the family institution is the foundation of society.
It is no wonder that Satan attacks this the most.
The remedy for the world is to go and make disciples!
This is the answer to all the problems in the entire world.
No social program will solve the problems our culture faces.
Teaching others about Jesus and teaching them to grow in their walk with Jesus will transform your community.
In Matthew 19:3 Jesus taught on marriage. Jesus does not defer to Herods’ view or Rome’s view on marriage.
Jesus went directly to the Word of God.
He quotes from Genesis 2:18-25.
In Ephesians 5:22-33 Paul fleshes out the passage found in Genesis 2:18-25.
A divorce has a negative impact on the hearts of children. It whispers to a child: there is no one and nothing that is faithful.
Christ will never turn His back against us. He will never forsake us.
Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ? Nothing.
He will never leave you. We live in a world where people continue to leave people.
Christ shouts: I am faithful; I will never leave you nor forsake you!