Isaac Bronkema • Rockford Campus • August 28, 2022
- IGNITE!!! Fall Ministry Volunteer Launch on September 7
- Men’s, Women’s, 1829 Small Groups start on September 11
- Adult Life Groups start on September 18
**On Sunday, Tate talked about how he experienced God uproot some lies he had been believing about Worship when he was in Middle School. Can you give an example of something you thought to be true for years only to find out you were wrong?
11In him also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, 12having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead.
QUESTION: Isaac posed the question, what comes to your mind when you hear the word “baptism?” Discuss your answer to this as a group.
Main Point: Baptism is a visible picture of the gospel.
- Our burial with Christ
QUESTION: Isaiah 53 tells us that, “it was the will of the Lord to crush Him.” What thoughts come to mind when you are reminded that God’s plan included crushing his Son so that you might live?
QUESTION: We, like Christ, are cut off in burial with him. We are cut off from the world, and the old way of life we were born into. In what areas do we struggle most to live “cut off” from the world?
“Your bitterness, your unforgiveness, your self-centeredness, your pride, your lust, your gossip and backstabbing, your cold-heartedness towards God, your rejection of His word, your disregard for the worship of Him, your prayerlessness…All of this has died. You no longer have any right to it.”
QUESTION: If this is true, and we really have died to sin, why do we spend so much time engaging in these actions still?
- Our resurrection with Christ
“The gospel really is enough for the entire Christian life.”
QUESTION: In what ways are you struggling to believe that Christ is enough in your life right now?
QUESTION: Isaac reminded us, “we do not only come to Christ for forgiveness of sins, but if we are to come to Him, we must come to Him for holiness as well.” If you were honest, how much does pursuing holiness play a part in your everyday life?
QUESTION: What are a few areas where we can pursue holiness better this week?
QUESTION: In what ways are we guilty of building our own Jesus that we are comfortable following?
- Our Baptism into Christ
- Baptism is a declaration of what God has done. QUESTION: Why do you think so many people have a hard time believing that salvation isn’t something we can accomplish on our own?
- Baptism is God’s gracious gift to the church. QUESTION: How is baptism a gift to the individual believer? To the whole church as a whole?
- Baptism is for all who are in Christ QUESTION: If Baptism isn’t optional, then why do you think so many people avoid doing it or wait so long to obey the command to be baptized?
CHALLENGE: If you haven’t been baptized, take a step of obedience and make a point to talk to someone about being baptized this week.
Read Hebrews 10:24-25 together. Think about ways that your group can stir one another on towards holiness in the coming weeks. Spend time praying that the Lord would help you pursue holiness this week.