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Brother’s Keeper


Obadiah 1


The average family quarrel lasts 30 years. In the book of Obadiah we see that sibling rivalry lasted over a thousand years.

The rivalry began in Genesis 12 between Jacob and Esau and it continued through their descendants to the time of the prophet Obadiah. In Obadiah we see the rivalry continuing between the nations of Israel(descendants from Jacob) and Edom (descendants from Esau) and Edom.

Have you ever experienced sibling rivalry? If so, has the rivalry come to an end and what caused it to come to an end?


  1. Next step: Where might you be committing the sin of action or inaction? What steps can you take to repent, receive forgiveness and humbly speak up for others in order to make God known? Stated another way: How can you be your brothers’ keeper?

  2. We are tower builders. We work, out of our own pride, to make a name for ourselves. All of us want people to think a certain way about us. We work hard to manage a certain image so that people will respect us. We can use our talents to make a name for ourselves. We can use our intelligence or our performance/gifts to try to draw life from people. Perfectionism is another example of trying to make life work. We can also see our pride through pleasing people. This is how we build our towers. Here’s the test to see if we are tower builders: how do you feel when people reject your attempts to obtain respect for acceptance from them? When someone does not like me I can feel shame or fear. When I do something wrong we can feel anger, shame, and self hatred etc. These are all signals that tell us our towers are cracking. It is a good thing that our towers crack. It is good that people don’t cooperate. It is in these times that we can be humble. How good it is to be humbled! God is trying to make us humble. Relief and comfort are found in setting aside the false self and all it’s posing and posturing. It is like a drink of cold water. When you are not settled in security in Christ how do you try to get life from people? Share how God is helping you to see your tower building and what this process is like for you.

  3. We are all insecure. In our insecurity we attempt to get life from other people. Share what has helped you to lean more toward Christ for your security. 


Jacob and Esau engaged in sibling rivalry.

Jacob’s descendants formed the nation of Israel. Esau’s descendants formed the nation of Edom.

The focus of the book of Obadiah is judgment upon Edom in regard to the rivalry between Edom and Israel. 

The first 14 verses of Obadiah are a series of accusations against Edom. 

Before the accusations we need to understand the history of the rivalry. An important story of this rivalry is Edom’s betrayal of Israel found in Numbers chapter 20.  Israel is traveling through the wilderness and Edom refuses to let Israel pass through their nation.

Many years later Edom exacts a more brutal betrayal on Israel. 

Babylon takes Israel captive and in the middle of this suffering Edom betrays Israel once again. The Edomites stood at the crossroads and handed over the Isralite refugees to the Babylonians. This is devastating betrayal. 

The first accusation toward Edom and her handling of Israel deals with her pride.

Pride deceives us. Pride causes us to think we are bigger and better than we are.

Question: “Why does God hate pride?” Pride is the great sin. It is the utmost evil. It is through pride that Satan became Satan. Pride also led to the downfall of Adam and Eve and everyone of us as well. 

Pride creates enmity between siblings as well as between man and God.

We want to be in charge.

Am I proud? If you don’t think you are proud then you are more proud than you can imagine.

In Genesis 11 we read of the arrogance in the story of the tower of Babel: “…come let us buy bricks…let the city be on top of heavens…and let us make a name for ourselves…”.  

God told us to be fruitful and multiply and to spread out in all the earth. 

The tower of Babel is the opposite of this.

 It is an arrogant fist against God. We will not migrate. We will create our own security. Satan also said, “I will put my throne above the stars, …above the Almighty.”

We are tower builders. We work, out of our own pride, to make a name for ourselves. All of us want people to think a certain way about us. 

The next accusation in Obadiah is: “the day of your brother”. This refers to Babylon coming to conquer Israel for her sin. Edom violated family loyalty toward Israel. Obadiah 1:10-11 says,   “…the day you stood aloof…”.

The next sin of Edom is the sin of inaction or passivity.

Have you ever stood aloof? Are there times we “did nothing” when someone was gossiping or when someone was mocking someone in our presence?

The sin of fear can cause inaction. They “stood aloof” and did nothing. 

The next accusation sheds light on a progression of their sin in verses 12 and 13. This is the sin of action: they gloated, they rejoiced, and they looted Israels’ wealth. When Israel was attacked by Babylon the Edomites stood at the crossroads and handed over the refugees of Israel to the Babylonians.

Proverbs 31:8-9 speaks of the virtuous leader, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

We are called to be our brothers’ keeper.

Mercy finds us first with our face down; with our tower crumbled. 

In addition to embracing God’s forgiveness we have the hope of a coming “day of the Lord”. Many prophets speak of the day of the Lord. On this day all that is wrong will be made right. 

In Philippians 2 we see the astounding humility of Christ. God tells us to have the same mind in us that Jesus’ had. Jesus humbled himself even to the death on the cross.

Jesus is dying on the cross, tortured, mocked, and bleeding. What do we see? Is He demanding? Is He just about to reach the “ last straw”? No, He is looking to care for His mother and He tells John to take care of her. 

Then He invites the thief into paradise, and finally we see Him ask the Father to forgive the people for crucifying Him. 

Jesus was willing to pay any cost to Himself to reveal the goodness of God. He invites us to reflect this same love.

Christ invites us to move and become our brother’s keeper.