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Be Free

John 8:12-38


Where do you see darkness in our world today? 


What do you think Jesus meant by darkness in John 8:12? 



  • They did not see that they were slaves to sin.

    Jesus told them that whoever practices sin is a slave to sin.

    When it comes to personal sin, where do you long for freedom? 


  • Jesus said, “If you abide in My word you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”.

    Jesus speaks of freedom from sin but he also speaks of slavery to sin.

    So, ALL sin is a prison. It is never a little thing.

    It is a hard thing to shift from saying, “I just gotta work on this certain area of sin.”  to then saying, “I am imprisoned.”.

    Share with the group how you tend to view your sin.

    Do you view it as a small thing or as something that imprisons you or something else?

    It may help you to reflect on the two symbols of sin in the notes section below (Turkish Delight and the ring).


  • Jesus says, “So, if the Son(Jesus) sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

    Abiding in Christ and in His Word is where true freedom lies.

    Abiding in Him and embracing His Word is the antidote to being a slave to sin.

    Freedom does not come through sheer will power or trying harder.

    You simply cannot do it!

    Our checklist of spiritual activities does not change us (Spiritual disciplines create opportunity for abiding in Christ which is life giving, but, in and of themselves there is no power.).

    Good intentions don’t change us. Abiding in Christ changes us.

    Share a few thoughts on what it means to abide in Christ.

    Our struggle with sin is impossible to overcome. This draws us back to Christ and ever deepening dependency on Him.

    Share what has helped you to overcome sin in your life.

    What is your current mindset in regard to overcoming your current struggle to overcome sin and how is today’s truth of finding freedom by abiding in Christ and in His Word inviting you? 



Three main thoughts in Jesus’ teachings in John 8 are: light/darkness; above/below; freedom/slavery.


Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”.


When Jesus uses “I am” language the crowd knows He is referring to Himself as God.


Some examples of darkness are as follows: cultural, health, political, social-–tensions in society, or environmental. 


Jesus goes to the core of all darkness: it is each persons’ own heart.


Who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart? 


We would rather get mad at big government or condemn opposing political views rather than deal with the problem in our own heart.


Jesus, in His second teaching, speaks of above/below. 


He says, “I am from above, you are from below. Unless you believe in Me you will die in your sins.”


Jesus’ third teaching is: freedom/slavery.


They did not see that they were slaves to sin. Jesus told them that whoever practices sin is a slave to sin.


Sin is a prison; sinful choices are not simply random acts of sin. It is not a little thing.


It is a hard thing to shift from the position that says,  “I just gotta work on “that” area of sin.” to saying, “I am imprisoned.”. 


Augustine said the punishment of sin is more sin. You end up with more of it.


CS Lewis in Chronicles of Narnia writes about Eustace turning traitor to the white witch. 


The Witch offers him Turkish Delight.


It is so delicious that he keeps eating it even though it makes him sick. He can’t stop eating it.


In the Lord of the Rings we have another symbol of sin in the symbol of the ring. 


Some wanted to do good with the ring but Gandolph knew no one can wield the power of the ring without being poisoned by its power.


Sin is a prison. It is not a little thing.


Jesus does not leave us imprisoned.  

The light of Jesus produces: life, gratitude, wonder, care for one another, patience with one another, and possibility. 


Our life can be so enmeshed with our sin that it can be hard to see how to stop it and move toward freedom.


If we really abide in Him and are filled with gratitude those around us will be drawn.


Our sin clouds us from seeing our sin and it clouds us to seeing that true freedom from grudges, fear, jealousy etc. can be ours!