We are offering two different study options for the spring session:
A Clash of Kingdoms: Like the Roman Empire, today’s governments or organizations can become centered on power and believe their messages are the “good news.” As Christians, we’re called to proclaim God’s name in all the earth (1 Chronicles 16:8), but how do we do that in the midst of false gospels?
Discover how Paul communicated the Good News of Christ to Philippi, a Roman colony that worshipped false gods. Can you live the message as Paul did while he encouraged the church in Philippi to consider itself a colony of heaven, not Rome? Consider your citizenship— and the message you convey to the world—as Ray Vander Laan takes you deeper into the culture of ancient Philippi. (no homework)
F.A.I.T.H. – Titus: This FAITH Bible study flows out of the statement: Fully believing All God says, I choose by faith To surrender my Heart to LIVE (Live Intentionally Viewing Eternity).
God wants believers to soar on wings of faith. The Bible gives clear instruction on living a life of faith while the Holy Spirit nudges and empowers believers to take wing. The question to answer each week—will you choose to settle or soar?
This study is part of a series that prompts learners to be self-feeders, personally discovering and applying God’s truths to their lives. The simplicity and depth encourage people of all faith levels to explore God’s Word. Each week participants read the same Scripture for five days and answer the questions in preparation for the Bible study gathering. (weekly homework)
- Tuesday 9:30-11:30am A Clash of Kingdoms (childcare offered)
- Tuesday 9:30-11:30am F.A.I.T.H. – Titus (childcare offered)
- Thursday 7:00-8:30pm A Clash of Kingdoms
Contact: Lisa Herington
Rockford Registration Register for Childcare