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Men’s Spring Bible Study

March 30 - April 27

Men at Magnify gather weekly to discuss God and life. We cover a variety of topics and aim to help men live their mission daily. Check out the offerings available this fall at each campus.

We want the men of our church to be both deeply practical in their faith AND knowledgeable about God. Each year we take time to take a look at an aspect of the greatness of our God through a theological study that has boots-on-the-ground impact.

This Spring, the Men at Magnify will dig deeper into one of our core doctrines as Christians: The Trinity. We will be using “Delighting in the Trinity” by Michael Reeves as our basis for discussion (see preview below).

Each week, we’ll discuss an aspect of the Trinity through Scripture and consider sources, both ancient and modern, to help us better understand our belief in the one true God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Delighting in the Trinity preview (from Union Publishing)

  • Why is God love? Because God is a Trinity.
  • Why can we be saved? Because God is a Trinity.
  • How are we able to live the Christian life? Through the Trinity.
  • In this lively book, we find an introduction to Christianity and the Christian life that is from start to finish rooted in our triune God–Father, Son and Spirit. Not only do we understand the person and work of Christ through the Trinity, but also prayer, the church and every aspect of our faith.
  • With wit and clarity, Reeves draws from church history down to the present referencing a wide range of notable teachers and preachers. Here is a rich and enjoyable portrayal of the basic beliefs of Christianity that opens up the profound and life-changing truths of our faith

Who: All Men at Magnify ages 18+
When: March 2 – April 27, two weekly options

  • Monday nights, 7pm in the Student Center
  • Wednesday mornings, 6am in the Atrium

Cost: $10 suggested donation plus the cost of the book (+$12)*
*Men at Magnify will have a few copies on hand to purchase through us
Or men can find their own copy of the book through Amazon or another platform.

Contact: Trent Heaton


We want the men of our church to be both deeply practical in their faith AND knowledgeable about God. Each year we take time to take a look at an aspect of the greatness of our God through a theological study that has boots-on-the-ground impact.

This Spring, the Men at Magnify will dig deeper into one of our core doctrines as Christians: The Trinity. We will be using “Delighting in the Trinity” by Michael Reeves as our basis for discussion (see preview below).

Each week, we’ll discuss an aspect of the Trinity through Scripture and consider sources, both ancient and modern, to help us better understand our belief in the one true God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Delighting in the Trinity preview (from Union Publishing)

  • Why is God love? Because God is a Trinity.
  • Why can we be saved? Because God is a Trinity.
  • How are we able to live the Christian life? Through the Trinity.
  • In this lively book, we find an introduction to Christianity and the Christian life that is from start to finish rooted in our triune God–Father, Son and Spirit. Not only do we understand the person and work of Christ through the Trinity, but also prayer, the church and every aspect of our faith.
  • With wit and clarity, Reeves draws from church history down to the present referencing a wide range of notable teachers and preachers. Here is a rich and enjoyable portrayal of the basic beliefs of Christianity that opens up the profound and life-changing truths of our faith

Who: All Men at Magnify ages 18+
When: March 2 – April 27

  • Wednesday nights, 6:30pm in the Lower Level classrooms

Cost: $10 suggested donation plus the cost of the book (+$12)*
*Men at Magnify will have a few copies on hand to purchase through us
Or men can find their own copy of the book through Amazon or another platform.

Contact: Josh Vajda


Deeper by Dane C. Ortlund

8 week study. Real Change for Real Sinners.

Who: Men at Magnify
When: Sunday Nights, 5:30-7:30pm, Starts January 19
Cost: $15
Contact: Reach out to Shawn Raymond to sign up or ask questions


March 30
April 27