For regular programming, please visit the individual ministry pages.

Financial Peace
January 12 - March 23

This culture is designed to take you down. Credit cards, car loans, student loans . . . they’ll keep you paying way too much money for way too long. But there’s one way out of the mess of debt, and it starts right here with you. You can change your future today by joining my Financial Peace University class. You’ll learn to pay off debt fast, save more money, and build lasting wealth.
Who: All Magnify Adults
When: January 12 – March 23
- Snacks at 5:30pm
- Class at 6pm
- Classes will follow our Sunday Nights schedule, please check that page in the future for updates
Where: Magnify Rockford, Room 420
Contact: Andy Woodard
Cost: $30 per couple or individual (includes a workbook)
Please click the link below to register.
Enter you email, first, and last name. But do not purchase a workbook online. We have already purchased them.
Payment is due in person at your first class.
Any questions, reach out to Andy Woodard.