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Baby Dedication – Northview

March 30 at 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

We want to both CELEBRATE and HELP parents on their journey. We believe that you are the greatest influence in your child’s life and in the best position to help them know God. We also believe that as your church we can uniquely equip you and partner with you along the way.

Who: Northview families with children they would like to dedicate and anyone who wants to help them celebrate!
When: Sunday, March 30 during first and second services
Where: Northview Campus
Cost: None
Contact: Kristen Hinkle

There are 3 parts to participating in the Northview Baby Dedication Celebration.

  1. Prepare: Before signing up, please listen to the podcast below and complete the homework assignments to help you prepare for the Baby Dedication Celebration. Both things will help you to intentionally parent with the end in mind and put a priority on your own personal growth.

    Download Homework

  2. Registration
  3. The Celebration: We will meet before the service in the church office to pray and talk through the dedication. Here is what you can expect the dedication to be like: Kristen will invite the families to come to the stage and will give an overview of the purpose of dedication. She will ask each family to take 2-3 minutes to share their statement of dedication. After all of the families have shared, prayers of dedication will be offered.


March 30
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Northview Campus
4162 Hunsberger Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525 United States
+ Google Map