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Storytellers: Love Your Enemies – Sermon Discussion Guide – 5-5-24

Stu Quackenbush                                                          Rockford Campus                                                May 5, 2024

Storytellers: Love Your Enemies



Leader Appreciation Gathering – This Wednesday, May 8, 6pm – We want to take time with all of our Life Group leaders to thank you, feed you, and talk about what God has done in your group this year. Please join us for a meal and fellowship at the Heaton household (9385 Myers Lake Ave, Rockford, MI 49341). RSVP’s are helpful as we plan for food, etc.

Send RSVP to Kim at [email protected].


In this week’s passage, we’ll read about biblical love. What is something that happened in the last week that made you feel loved by God or by another person (for example, an act of kindness on someone else’s part)?



Note: We encourage you to read the entire text together as a group out loud.

Loving Our Enemies

Look at verses 27–31 and consider the following questions:

  • How does Jesus define an enemy?
  • How does He then command us to treat our enemies, or those who hurt us? What specific things does He call us to do? Underline them if you have a Bible with you.
  • Is there anyone in your life who you’ve chosen to have an unrepaired relationship with? Is there anyone for whom you feel more bitterness or disdain than love?
  • Do you see Christ’s commands as things that you could do for that person or for someone who has hurt you?
  • In what ways does our culture try to shape us away from Christ’s call to live like this?

Self-Giving Love

In the sermon, Stu noted that the Christian life is supposed to be shaped around the cross, not around comfort.

He then noted that this passage calls us to ask two very important questions of ourselves:

  1. Do I love Christ enough to release my comforts, security, and rights in order to imitate Him and live a life of self-giving love?
  2. Do I love Jesus enough to die to the things of this world so that I can live for Him?


  • How does Jesus call each of us to give up our comforts in Luke 6:27–36?
  • How does He call us to give up our security? (*remember that security in this case is not a reference to personal safety, but rather to those things we might look to to provide a measure of well-being or stability.)
  • How does He call us to give up our rights?
  • How does He call us to die to the world in order to live for Him?


Read Romans 5:10 as a group and discuss:

  • What does it mean that we were each once an enemy with God?
  • How did God give of Himself sacrificially in order to bring us back into relationship with Him?

If this is the heart of the gospel, consider how living out today’s passage is a necessary step of faith for us as disciples of Christ.

Finally, read 2 Peter 1:3 and discuss:

  • Is Jesus calling us to do something impossible?
  • How does Jesus equip us to live out this command?


While Jesus’ commands to love our enemies may feel impossible, we’re reminded that everything Christ calls us to do in this passage, He has already done. And that He gives us everything we need in order to live this out through His Holy Spirit and His Word.

Thank God that while we were enemies, He gave himself sacrificially in order to draw us back into a relationship with Him.

Ask Him to show you if there’s anyone in your life who you are living in enmity with. If so, ask Him to show you how to love, do good, bless, or pray for that person.