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The Wedding

John 2:1-12


In life we don’t want to come up short. 

Are we afraid of coming up short? 

One way to measure this is to reflect on how much extra food is left after you have made a meal for a social gathering. 

We don’t want to run out of food.

What do you think is at stake for you if you come up short?



  • The miracle of turning water into wine points to another banquet coming.

    This banquet is a certain hope.

    You will not be forgotten at this banquet.

    There is a banquet where I have a place that I do not deserve.

    You will have your place and you will enjoy the food and you will enjoy Him.

    This hope of a banquet ignites gratitude.

    As we gather with others this season, use these gatherings as a reminder of hope, gratitude, and love.


  • Take some time to reflect together on all that God has given to each of us regarding our certain future hope. List as many things as you can. Ephesians 1 and Revelation 22 can help give clarity.

    What causes you to lose hope and what helps you to deepen hope?

  • Of all the blessings and promises that God declares are in store for you, which one of the “hopes” do you cherish the most?

  • The honor of the family has now been elevated because the “best wine” is being served later in the feast.

    So, Jesus flips shame and brings honor.

    This is what Jesus has done in our lives.

    Reflect on some ways that Christ has turned your shame into honor.

    Share one of the ways you are most grateful for.



There is a problem at the wedding. The wine ran out. 

In the ancient near east honor is everything. 

Running out of wine is a dishonor that will last a lifetime. 


Honor is the opposite of shame.


Jesus instructs the servants to fill 6 pots to the brim.

Typically, Jewish homes keep cleansing water on hand. 

This water symbolizes ceremonial cleansing.


So, who was this miracle for? 

The miracle was for the bridegroom as his family honor was raised.

The miracle was for the disciples as they “believed” as a result of the miracle.

This miracle is for us.

It gives us hope which leads to gratitude and love. 

The hope is that our shame is turned to honor. 


Why did John start his gospel with this story of wine at a wedding?

The answer has to do with the end of the book of John and the story of the last supper. Christ betroths himself as a groom to his disciples in the last supper. 

The last supper is getting ready for a wedding.


John starts the book and ends it with a wedding. 

He wants us to think deeper of the idea of a wedding. 

A tremendous wedding day is coming for all believers!


What does the miracle mean? 

First we observe the symbol of water. 

Water brings life. 


Now, this water turns to wine and this symbolizes that purification through water is coming to an end. 

Wine is now the symbol of purification.


The wine is a symbol of the blood of Christ.

So, now, instead of symbolically being cleansed on the outside by water, you will be cleansed inside by the shed blood of Christ.


The wedding is also a symbol. The marriage supper of the lamb is the wedding that is coming.

Jesus is coming for His bride.


This deep hope in our future stirs gratitude and gratitude then flows toward others in love.