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Welcome to the Magnify Family Updates Page

Magnify Family Updates - Posted February 21st, 2025

We are excited to launch a new dedicated page for important updates about the future of our church called Magnify Family Updates. It will be dedicated to communicating important updates focused on the future of our church.

We have been in a very unexpected, difficult and painful season as a church family. We continue to heal, forgive and seek unity as we look to what God has for our future ministry. The Magnify Family Updates page will be focused on essential updates about our pastoral search, ways to be engaged in the process, guided prayer prompts, and other important future improvements from our leadership team. 

Here are the highlights:

  1. You have already found the page! In the future it will be easily found on our home page or at Bookmark it and look for posts every 1-2 weeks. It will be your one central place for updates.
  2. There will also be a dedicated space in our Magnify Weekly News emails. Anyone can subscribe to receive the weekly email here.
  3. Easily send a question to our board with the button on this page.

As a leadership team, we desire your involvement, prayer, questions and feedback. This page is meant to be a tool to help. 

We look forward to discovering how God wants to continue to shape each of us and prepare our church to reach our communities in the years to come.

Currently, the board is working to finalize a candidate profile and a job description that will ultimately guide the interview process. There is no definitive timeline for completing this work, but we are making progress and will have more to share in the near future. Please continue to pray for our board, pastors and the congregational transition team.

Prayer Focus:

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm‬ ‭51‬:‭10‬ ‭ESV

This week we want to invite us all to reflect on and seek God with this question: How does God want to shape me in this process?

Father please help me to be open to your promptings in my life. Please continue to shape me and my brothers and sisters at Magnify to be who you want us to be in our communities.